Dealing with hardships

We all deal with hardships throughout this thing called life, I myself having recently gone through something (which I now know is all but an inconvenience). Dealing with the emotions and what the situation meant for me was tough but then became something which gave me the ability to reflect and grow. I would like to go into the intricacies of said hardship but will save that for another post. In this post I just want to provide the “tools” and steps I used and will use in the future to put my issues and misfortune into perspective and realise that there is always a solution and every issue is but a wave which eventually falls.

So here’s how I would break down the process of dealing with hardship and what to do:

1. Identify the issue

2. Have a moment to feel and let out emotion

3. Identify that these emotions are not helpful and too severe compared to the issue.

4. Do your research

5. Break it down

6. Make small steps towards dealing with or rectifying the issue.

And ride the wave because it’s soon going to end. It’ll all be over before you think and but a distant memory. Greater times are coming but so are more small annoying issues that you I’m your head will blown out of proportion. But it’s okay because that’s human and that’s okay.

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